Privacy Policy

In this policy, I specify: the types of data I collect and the reasons for collecting them, the ways in which your data is processed, and the rights you have regarding your data.

This policy applies to this website ( as well as all publications, products, apps and websites built or main­tained by me :

Simon Lou Schüler


This Website

When you visit one of my websites, I am not interested in finding out who you are, and I do my best to ensure that the technology I use does not enable others to find out who you are. My tech stack does not expose you to tools or services that big tech markets as “free” in exchange for user data.

I’m happy to say that my site does not embed any third-party services that track your web activities. There are no third-party and not even first-party cookies. I can not identify you across multiple visits.

I do collect some anonymized data points to understand my audience and get a sense of how many people are viewing my site — for example, the following:

I’m using a self-hosted instance of the open source and privacy-preserving tool Plausible Analytics. Plausible Analytics only collects anonymous visitor statistics that are not tied to your identity. You’ll find a list of the data that is collected and stored in their privacy policy.

My website is hosted with Netcup in Nuremberg (Germany) and therefore under EU data protection laws. Netcup stores some visitor information in the form of server log files. This includes, but not limited to, the visitor’s IP address and time of visit. After a maximum of 14 days, these logs are deleted.

This site enforce HTTPS encryption.

Voluntary Corresponcence

When you get in touch with me with a question or to ask for help, I keep that correspondence, including your email address, so that I have a history of past correspondence to reference if you reach out in the future. I delete old correspondence on resolved topics from my archive once a year, unless you and I have an ongoing business relationship or friendship, unless you have expressly consented to further use your data and unless the correspondence falls under commercial or tax retention obligations.

Currently my email service provider is iCloud by Apple:

My email provider’s tech infrastructure will process and store whatever you send me and whatever I send you (obviously). Also please keep in mind that email is still not end-to-end encrypted by default.

Legal basis for processing your data for this purpose is GDPR article , section 1 (a), (b), and (f).

Social Media

Currently you can find me best on Mastodon. My account is part of the Mastodon instance hosted by wwcom in Switzerland. Please be aware of their privacy policy.

I also have accounts on other social media platforms, but I don't use them much anymore. I am not a fan of pay-with-your-data principle that big tech social media platforms use. Before you get in touch with me on a platform run or owned by a third party, ensure that you have read and understood the platform’s terms and privacy policy because I don’t make the rules there. Please don’t ever share personal or sensitive information with me through social media or third-party platforms that don’t have end-to-end encryption.

Your Rights

You have the right to request all personal information I hold about you. You can ask me to correct, update or delete this information at any time. Please contact me and we’ll work it out.

If you think that the measures I take to protect your privacy are insufficient or if you have other concerns about my handling of your data, please contact me. You have the right to file an official complaint with the German and European data protection authorities.

Future Changes

This privacy policy is subject to change, so I encourage you to review it periodically. Rest assured that while there may be changes or additions to my service providers, my commitment to protecting your privacy will remain unchanged.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Thanks for taking the time to read this!

Last Update: 2024-07-03